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These videos have been created by Dr. Michele Ibanez
as testimonials to help encourage and inspire
our clients on their weight loss journey
"These videos give positive encouragement and helpful information about the Ideal Protein protocol
and how to stay on track!"

January 14, 2017

"Week 1: Resetting the Pendulum"

It's January so it is time to reset the pendulum!


Follow Dr. Michele on her journey through her Ideal You Weight Loss, Inc clinic and see how the second time on protocol will be as successful as the first.

January 27, 2017

"Week 3: Resetting the Pendulum"

Are you curious to see how Dr. Michele is doing

so far on Phase 1?


Check out her follow up VLOG and learn more about the recommended body fat percentage, visceral fat rating and metabolic age.

February 27, 2017


"Week 7: Resetting the Pendulum"

Continuing her journey with Ideal Protein, hear

Dr. Michele discuss her progress and emotional freedom technique (EFT) and how it may be helpful to address the emotional story

behind weight changes.

March 11, 2017


"Week 9: Resetting the Pendulum"

Dr. Michele discusses phasing off the Ideal Protein protocol correctly.and how each Phase of

Ideal Protein is essential to keeping the weight off and enjoying the Ideal Lifestyle.

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